I am making two NYC appearances this week - the first at Iron Bell Academy in Queens, where I'm presenting a new workshop on Thursday, February 2nd entitledThat Ain't Necessarily So: Lies, Exaggerations and Silly Shit You Keep Hearing in the Scene.
On Friday the 3rd, I'm joining the first Friday Ravenous Nights readings at the Happy Endings Lounge on Manhattan's Lower East Side. The other readers will be Lolita Wolf, Angel Propps, Elizabeth Thorne, Sara Eileen, and my lovely wife, Karen Taylor. The theme is "leather," so expect some hot kinky stories.
And with luck, you may be able to pick up this new edition of The Academy, with a hot new cover by Lochai if you see me at Providence Rhode Island Fetish Fair Flea Market February 10-12. If you can't make it, keep your eyes out for the new edition to hit your e-book lists soon!